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Capoeira gives an artistic face to combat. Within the game there is a feeling of beauty.

The capoeirista is an artist and an athlete, a warrior and a poet.


Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art game played to the pulsating percussive rhythms of a berimbau, atabaque, and pandeiro. Originally developed by African slaves living in Brazil's Senzalas (slaves houses) in the 1700s and 1800s, Capoeira has its roots in West African courtship and war dances, and is today recognised as a cultural symbol of resistance to oppression.


Capoeiristas stand shoulder to shoulder forming a roda (circle) within which the players enter to play the game. Those forming the circle keep cadence with their clapping, and build Axé (maybe best described as 'an energetic atmosphere') through songs that are structured through call and response melodies, that share historical memories, and can act as both a fuel for, and sometimes humorous commentary on, a game in progress. During the jogo (game) each player attempts to use their malendragem (trickery) and malicia (cunning) to read and out-wit the other in the ultimate physical game of chess, in which only the hands, feet, and head are typically permitted to touch the floor.


As the players develop their mandginga (magic) through the refinement of their technical and tactical vocabularies, games become a complex dialogue of powerful kicks and daring evasions, artful acrobatics and playful theatrics.

Mestre Borracha and Mestre Gilson playing berimbau

Darlinghurst, East Sydney
Mestre Borracha


6:30PM - 8:30PM

East Sydney Community and Arts Centre

34-40 Burton Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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Instructor Quebra perfoming an acrobatic kick and Graduada Serenata evading at Fort Scratchley overlooking Nobby's Beach and the lighthouse

Mayfield, Newcastle West
Instructor Quebra & Graduada Serenata


6:30PM - 8:00PM

Mayfield West Demonstration School

7 Gregson Ave, Mayfield West NSW 2304

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Professor Ghana kicking and Instructor Quebra evading

Pemulwuy, Sydney West
Professor Ghana


10:00AM - 12:00PM

Allan G Ezzy Community Centre

1 Newport Street, Pemulwuy NSW 2145

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Graduado Jovem and Graduado Capitao playing in a roda

Hamilton, Newcastle East
Graduado Capitao


Commencing: 6:00PM

Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate Dojo

56 A James Street, Hamilton NSW 2303

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Capoeira Aruanda logo in black

Mestre Borracha is the master of our Capoeira Aruanda school. He was born in Acre, Brazil. From a young age he has dedicated his life to Capoeira. In 1992 Borracha became widely recognised when he was the first Capoeirista to perform a double back somersault without the aid of a sprung floor or gym mats. In 1997 Borracha left his homeland, bound for Sydney Australia. as a teacher with Grupo Capoeira Brasil. In 2005, Borracha & his associates established a new Capoeira group Capoeiracre, named after the Brazilian state in which he was born and raised. In 2007 he changed the name of the group to Capoeira Aruanda, and in 2015 Borracha was awarded his Master's belt by Grande Mestre Boa Gente. 

© 2024 Capoeira Aruanda

Capoeira Aruanda Logo
Aruanda logo in white within a blue circle


You can start training Capoeira at any time. Feel free to come and watch a class or join in on your first day. All students begin class together (warm-up and basics) and afterwards are separated into beginner or intermediate level for training Capoeira movements. To request a FREE CLASS PASS, to experience a complimentary lesson on us, start by selecting the location you wish to redeem your pass at, and then complete a simple request form. (ONE TIME OFFER ONLY).

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